Make an impact with your purchases: Patagonia Fair Trade Paddy October 3, 2018 All Patagonia has been making strides in the industry, proving the success that can stem from ethical business processes. Patagonia is facing the facts and addressing the often hard to talk about working...
Outdoor Gear Review Of The Shoe That Does It All: Salomon OUTline GTX Hiking Shoe Paddy September 20, 2018 All Phila Holmes, a female outdoor athlete and #PaddyStaffer shares the essential outdoor gear wisdom we’ve all been waiting for, backed by years of outdoor action and adventure. Words coming from a worldly...
Don’t Bag the Environment: Protect Australia Paddy September 19, 2018 All Help us lead the footsteps to conserve Australia’s native animals and some of the world’s most iconic landmarks. Learning about conservation is key to keeping our wilderness intact for...
Father’s Day 2018: Gifts for the Outdoor Dad Paddy August 23, 2018 Gear Father’s Day is just around the corner and we have just the perfect Father’s Day gift guide for all our adventurous Dads (and like Dad personalities) out there. It’s now time to honour all the special...
Wild Frontiers Contest: Winner and Highlights [2018] Paddy August 21, 2018 All Big thanks to everyone who entered Paddy Pallin & The North Face's Wild Frontiers Contest! From an untouched summit in Tibet or a first ascent in the Cordillera Blanca Mountain Range to chasing epic...
Paddy Pallin: National Partner of The Women’s Adventure Film Tour [2018] Paddy August 20, 2018 Activities, All, Athletes, Bike, Bushwalk & Camp, Climb, Community, Events, Partners in Adventure, Snow Sports, Travel Paddy Pallin is thrilled to team up with the Women's Adventure Film Tour as National Tour Partner for the 2018/2019 Australian screenings. The Women's Adventure Film Tour features some of the world's most...
Wild Rivers Photo Contest: Winners! Paddy August 14, 2018 All, Australia, Community, Environmentalism Thank you to everyone who participated in Paddy Pallin's Wild Rivers Photo contest in any capacity - whether you entered, signed the petition, educated yourself or helped spread the word! For those of you...
Don’t Bag the Environment 2018: Round Up Paddy August 9, 2018 All, Community, Environmentalism Here’s to all of you who rugged up in your new windbreaker straight after purchase, who put on your new merino socks and laced up your new hiking boots before walking out of the store, who threw your...
Conrad Anker: A Life in Adventure Paddy July 2, 2018 All, Community, Events Paddy Pallin would like to welcome Conrad Anker, Captain of The North Face Global Athlete Team, on his first visit to Australia to present an inspiring presentation in Sydney and Melbourne – Conrad Anker: A...
Save Our Wild Rivers Paddy July 1, 2018 All, Australia, Environmentalism Raising the Warragamba Dam in New South Wales by 14 metres will destroy over 4,700 hectares of Blue Mountains World Heritage National Park, inundating 48 threatened plant and animal species and 65 km of Wild...