The Anti “2015 Top Adventure Destinations” List Freye Lowery April 11, 2015 Destinations, Partners in Adventure, Travel Every year, travel companies come out with a list of their top travel destinations. Places you must see, things you must do, food you must eat and experiences you must, well, experience. However, when...
Paddy Pallin Rogaine Race Report ACT Rogaining Association March 18, 2015 Bushwalk & Camp, Fitness, Partners in Adventure The ACT Rogaining Association’s Paddy Pallin rogaine event weekend on 28 February – 1 March 2015 was a great success with over 450 competitors enjoying the beautiful Tinderry Ranges, an hour south of...
Introducing Jordan Searle: Recipient of The North Face Adventure Grant 2015 Paddy March 11, 2015 Paddle, Partners in Adventure When you’re looking to get an expedition off the ground there can be a number of constraints – time, funding, work commitments. Jordan Searle’s advice is simple: keep the stoke high, and surround...