Last year the 33,426 Paddy Pallin customers who said NO to a Bag helped raise $6,685.30 for the Paddy Pallin Don’t Bag the Environment Campaign and the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife. To put the amount of bags which Paddy Pallin customers said NO to a Bag into a visual sense 33,426 bags would be enough to fill a large Transit Van. To reduce the need on the use of paper bags and to help the environment, this year we ask you to SAY NO! To a bag and Paddy Pallin will donate 20 cents to help save Orange-bellied Parrots. The Orange-bellied Parrots need our help, every Summer the wild Orange-bellied Parrot (OBP) population gathers at Melaleuca, in Tasmania’s remote South West Wilderness, to breed before migrating to the mainland for Winter. The wild population, which is now less than 70 individuals, is monitored by dedicated volunteers. The Orange-bellied Parrot is one of six species of Neophema or grass parrot. They are approximately 20 cm long and weigh approximately 40 g – a little larger than a budgerigar. OBPs are coloured emerald/grassy green on their back, wings and flanks with a bright yellow chest, azure blue markings on their wings and brow, and a vivid orange patch on their belly. During the summer, the distinguishing features between males and female OBPs are clear. The most obvious difference is in the blue of the frontal band across the forehead. Males have a very bright blue band that is two toned in colour, whilst the females have a duller blue band that is usually only one colour. The ‘alarm’ call is one of the surest methods of identification as the appearance of the plumage often varies according to the light. Given when the bird is disturbed or upset, the alarm call is a harsh, rapidly repeated ‘zit-zit-zit’, usually used whilst the bird is rising from a perch or the ground. In level flight, a single ‘tseet’ note is given each time it dips. Have a listen to their vocalisations here. Orange-bellied parrots mating Every year OBPs undertake an extraordinary journey, migrating across the Bass Strait twice – in autumn they fly to coastal mainland southeast Australia to over-winter, and in spring they return to Melaleuca to breed over the summer. The reasons for the population decline of the Orange-bellied Parrot (OBP) are not clear. Past and ongoing habitat loss and degradation, particularly in the migration range in Northwest Tasmania and the Bass Strait islands, and the wintering range in southeastern mainland Australia is believed to be one of the greatest threats to OBPs Other known and potential threats to the OBP include: loss of genetic diversity and inbreeding disease stochastic environmental events (e.g. drought) climate change predators (e.g. Foxes and Cats) and competitors (e.g. Goldfinch and Starlings) barriers to migration and movement hybridisation with Blue-winged Parrots. We need your support to help us to assist with the recovery of these critically endangered, precious and beautiful birds. The Friends of OBP group coordinates volunteers and assists with research activities under the National Orange-bellied Parrot Recovery Plan. The OBP Tasmania Program is governed through the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. Ongoing conservation research, management and monitoring in Tasmania is critical to protect the Orange-bellied Parrot. This allows the OBP population to be tracked through time and for the efficacy of management actions to be evaluated. Orange-bellied parrots checking out DPIPWE remote camera monitoring equipment Current research and monitoring activities of the Orange-bellied Parrot Tasmanian Program include: Managing breeding output in the wild OBP population. Managing direct threats to the wild OBP population. Managing the captive breeding program at Taroona, Hobart. Managing the captive and wild meta-population. Undertaking translocations of captive-bred birds. Retaining OBP habitat and managing threats to habitat quality. Monitoring the wild OBP population and OBP habitat. Conducting research essential for future management. Coordinating the implementation and securing of resources to achieve recovery objectives. Communicating effectively with partners, stakeholders and the community. Providing, monitoring and managing supplementary food at breeding locations. Managing the volunteer observer program at Melaleuca. Monitoring bird behaviour and predator presence at Melaleuca. Reporting program activities to the Recovery Team annually. Every time you refuse a bag, Paddy Pallin will donate 20 cents to the Wildcare group & the Friends of OBP. You can also donate to this project through the Paddy Pallin Foundation Thank you for joining your peers in conserving Australia’s incredibly diverse natural ecology. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.